Sunday, September 4, 2011

There's always a FIRST for everything.

Yesterday was Graham's FIRST time standing up from a sitting position (and back down) without holding on to anything!  I saw the "Wow, did I just do that?" look on his face.  He was  proud.  Oh was he ever proud... and so was I.

Yes, this is my stud.

Yesterday was Molly's FIRST day at Preschool.  Happy to announce it went great! 
No tears.  Just a brave girl, ready to explore her world!  

It was a memorable moment when Graham and I went to pick her up.  Molly's teacher, Miss Julia, commented about how impressed she was with Molly's vocabulary.  When she asked Molly if she had to go Pee-pee.  Molly replied.  "No, I don't feel any Pee-pee in my bladder."  Ahhh, that's my 3 year old girl! 


Golly gee, I love this girl!

Oh, and I must mention a BIG STAR for Dads FIRST day.  He is doing drop off in the mornings.  He doesn't even know that as I'm trying to feed our frantic and starving baby (oh my can he eat),  I'm watching him grab Molly, her lunch packed on the counter, his coffee (now cold), his backpack and 2 jackets while racing out the door.  Well, let's just say, it's another reason why I married you darling :) !!! You rock!

oh...and it's my FIRST post!

1 comment:

Alisha Torrez-Guy said...

I love Molly's short hair! A new haircut for her first day of school?? :)