Today I noticed myself really working on angles. Honestly, I haven't been feeling well and wasn't planning on picking up my camera at all...but when inspiration strikes (and you can't stop thinking of the new photo skills learned), well I'm a roll with the punches kinda gal.
I would love to hear any comments!
All shot in Auto with no editing whatsoever.
I'm sure i could fancy these up a bit, but here's to a real challenge!
Isn't this fun :)
I'm not sure how to critique this one. Balanced? Simple enough?
Does her fingers cut off make this awkward or does it work?
Thirds.simple. |
I like her hand framing.
Fast forward a couple hours and here is my boy. The lighting was evening sunset coming in through a big window to the side of me.
If i shot him a bit lower third of the frame it would have been better. Not so simple, but tis life sometimes :)

Rule of thirds. simple. balance. I really like this one.
almost cut off his ear...almost. |
lines. balance.thirds
lines. thirds.balance.
I like the railway heading off.
thanks for watching. next time i will post on flicker. I haven't done this blogging site in ALONG time and its taking me too long and its being difficult. Sorry if it's a bit wonkey :)
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