Saturday, September 10, 2011

Books and rides

Photo taken by the brilliant Mary Mchenry.  See more of her work at

Today we went to our local bookstore and was once again reminded why this type of outing needs to be put on hold until some unknown time in the future.  I never knew a 10 month year old could actually remove all the books from a lower shelf and a climb up into it.  On the shelf.  My son.  All in the amount of time it took me to read about 15 words to my daughter.  Yikes.  

On the way home Graham decided he was NOT going to be a happy camper and cried the whole way.  Well, not really a cry, but more like a wail.  Over the loud shrieking Molly felt the urge to comment on a few facts.  It went something like this...

"Mom, Graham is crying very LOUD."
"Mom, Graham is touching his toes."
"Mom, Graham can't find his pacifier."
( now an even louder cry from Graham)
"Mom, I can see Graham's Uvula!"

All in all, it really was a great day!

1 comment:

Alisha Torrez-Guy said...

haha!! Uvula!! CLASSIC MOLLY!