Thursday, January 12, 2012

To Remember...

Sometimes there are moments when I think of grabbing my camera for a great documenting shot. 
But I don't.
Sometimes the moment is just too special.
Sometimes the moment is just too much fun.
Sometimes I just can't get myself to turn away, and
I find that I did a lot of that this holiday. 
Pictures do help me remember, that's just the sort of person I am.
But here to add, is a list of moments and memories I never want to forget. 

*Having Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, sung word for word at least 100 times by that sweet Molly voice.
(wow she can really sing it fast now)

*Seeing Graham each morning wake and walk in his green Christmas "footsie" P'Js.
(I love the sound of those grippy feet pattering around the house.)

*Baking Zucchini Coconut bread with Molly.

*Baking "salt dough cookies" to make ornaments.

*Watching Molly play in the tree for hours and hours with her stuffed animals.  They apparently have made themselves a cozy new home. (uh-oh)

*Staying out of the stores to avoid the shopping madness.

*Spending too many late nights on Etsy searching for the perfect handmade stocking stuffers.

*Feeling so happy that I did.

*Chopping, melting and pouring with Molly and Matt.  

*Making lots of gifts with the family, for the family.

*Being joyful that Molly really GAVE this holiday season.  

*Teaching her, by example, that it really is SO much fun and so   special to create and give.

*Treasuring the exitement that happens still, by a certain little boy every night when our holiday lights are turned on.

*Filling my heart with the moments spent with so much family.

*Watching Molly on Christmas Eve make and taste and taste and taste decorate sugar cookies for Santa.

 *Being grateful to have family in our lives.

*Savoring one last week before the decorations are taken down.

*Looking forward to MANY more holidays spent with this little nest of mine.

Yes she was this exited


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